Saturday, December 3, 2011

Shooting for the Stars

Lately I've been studying for my final exams. Aka, cramming everything until I know it or until I run out of time. I tried to prepare ahead but thanksgiving break got the best of me. Coming upon my work I realized I really need to get great grades to get around the gpa I would like to.

Some of the grades I need to get are a reach, but I realized that, just like in life, if you don't go out there and strive for anything out of your reach you'll never know how far you can push yourself. I'm hoping for the best and studying as much as I can, so that's really all I can do. I just have to hope that God somehow helps me to achieve my grades, and if not I understand it is all part of his plan for me.

So for now that's all I got, but as I said earlier, you just gotta get out there and shoot for something out of your reach. Who knows, you may go even farther than you expected.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Things to Know and Places to Go

Life is a funky thing. You know sometimes you get things and sometimes you don't. It's weird how these things come to me at 5:29 in the morning as I've been studying all night for a make or break my grade accounting test.

My head is racing with newfound information. And I can't seem to stop thinking about how amazing is feels to just be serene. I just had a breakthrough in my work for school and I can't be more happy. I know that I know the information so the test should come naturally if I have as clear of a head as I do at this second. Granted a lot can happen in 3 1/2 hours.

It's hard to think that we get so overpowered by so many different things on a day to day basis:Stress, Anxiety, Hardships, and the ever so popular curveball.

God just has an odd way of doing things everyday. One day everything will be just peachy and the next, miserable. I know everything is in his hands and that I and everyone else in this world will end up at the place they are supposed to be in life. He is the only one who knows the plan for each of us and I trust I will go to the places I am supposed to go.

You know for now I'm content at where I am in life, but just like the great genius Dr. Seuss says,
be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,
you're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So...get on your way!" 

So on with the long day ahead of me I will go. And with God behind me I know that life will show the right places for me to go.

Friday, July 8, 2011


It's amazing how one can go to bed so angry at the world and have his or her perspective be changed overnight. The power of dreams never ceases to amaze me. Some of the things you see in your dreams are so profound and they really help you realize what you really want. Last night I was not in the best of moods but after sleeping I figured it all out and am on a whole new page today. I guess it's time to keep this chapter rolling.

Perspective and reality relate to the saying about coin flips.
"A coin flip does not help you decide between two things, but in that split second when the coin is in the air, you truly realize what you actually want the outcome to be."

Life is full of twists and turns, but I am happy to be able to share everything that I have with my friends and family. They are what keeps me going and I would be no where without them today.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


You know life is a very complicated thing. We all try to get by enjoying ourselves and being happy, because when it comes down to it at the end, isn't that what it's all about?

I guess the reason I'm really doing this blog is so that I can get all my emotions out there in the world and hope that some people can benefit from my experiences.

My life has not been the easiest thing in this world. Yes I have been blessed with parents who love me and I have never really struggled that much but that is just the surface of things.benefit from my experiences. I was adopted at birth and there is nothing wrong with that. I am not an only child, I do have a younger sister who can be annoying at times but I still love her. My parents never shied away from the fact that I was adopted and let me know the second I was able to comprehend.

I grew up as a shy kid who did not really talk much but would open up to my close groups of friends. I was somewhat small as a kid, but what boy wasn't? For grade school I attended a small catholic school where there were about 60 total kids in my grade. From kindergarten all the way to 8th grade my whole school career consisted of two classes that were split up. Some years you got to be with all of your friends, some years you might've gotten one or two.

Grade school was fun and I was pretty good at sports. Always was a competitive kid and could hold my own in the fields and the playground. Next thing I knew it was 5th grade and I'm one of the smallest kids in my grades. I was still good at sports, but wasn't able to hold off bullies too well. This is where the interesting part comes in.

Just like every kid in the world I started to get picked on. I would get bullied daily, beat up made fun of, the usual. But for some reason it just kept getting worse. It seemed as though it would never stop, and to be honest, it didn't. I got bullied so much it pushed me into depression. I became a recluse at home and was sad all the time. My parents were worried so they threw me into psychological tests and at shrinks. I was the new depressed adopted kid, shocker there. Went through the rest of my middle school career on medication that put me at a medium and it sucked. I never had any highs or lows, I was literally stuck in the middle. Told my parents I was fine through the whole time and dealt with all the shrink bs. No fun for a middle schooler who just wanted a normal life. Went on to a private jesuit high school afterwards.

This was such a blessing and I will treasure all of my time there immensely. I had a blast in high school even though I didn't get to play all the sports I wanted to. It was a very competitive all boys school and I didn't really grow until it was too late. Life sucks but you gotta role with the punches. I decided to wrestle my junior year and loved it. Continued doing that for the next 2 years and it changed me as a person completely. My outlook on life became so different on what I could actually achieve and it made me almost fearless. I got involved with some fun stuff towards the end of my high school career and my only regret is that I didn't get involved sooner. I waited too long to make the amazing friendships that I did my senior year, and I could have had so many great experiences if I could've just broken out of that shy shell. But oh well life goes on.

I wanted something new so I decided to go south for college. Have loved every second of it. Football down there is awesome, joined a fraternity, have had an amazing time. Met a girl and have been dating since. I was swept off my feet by this girl. Doesn't happen very often to me so I kept talking to her and we are dating to this day. We have our rough patches but i still enjoy it. She has made me happier than I have ever been before.

I guess that's the general gist of it so far. But I'll go into more detail about the good and bad times of my life up to this point later. Cheers